Category: Uncategorized
A Report on the North American Maple Syrup Council Meeting
By WV Delegate Mike Rechlin October 21-23 – Duluth, MN The North American Maple Syrup Council (NAMSC) and the International Maple Syrup Institute (IMSI) both continue to serve as representatives in matters impacting the maple syrup industry. Although separate entities, they hold their meetings together and work together in promoting…
Fall Events Update!
Maple Digest and Education Grants
We got the following from Winton Pitcoff, editor of Maple Syrup Digest and chair of NAMSC Research Committee: Hello, NAMSC delegates. I’m working on the October issue of the Maple Syrup Digest now. Please send me any articles, calendar items, photos, or other items of interest for inclusion. And remember that the…
Events at Laurel Forks Sapsuckers Sugar Camp Swiftly Approaching!
Please see the flyers below. There will be a 2019 Tree Farm Foundation Tour and Dinner Series on September 13th followed by a Maple Workshop including a maple-grading class on the 14th. There is an optional date of October 8th at Claybrooke Farm in Mineral VA for the Tree Farm…
Old Tech and High Tech
or Tree Hugger vs Syrup Producer by Tina Barton, Webmaster, WVMSPA I have learned a great deal by being part of the West Virginia Maple Syrup Producers Association. I still have a lot to learn, for sure, and I really need to get signed up for some of the training…
2019 Duluth International Maple Syrup Convention
WVMPSA is passing this along from the co-chairs of the convention. To All Maple Syrup Producers, Industry Representatives & Educators: In approximately 75 days Minnesota will host the North American maple industry in Duluth, October 21-24. This will be the first time Minnesota has hosted the “international” since 2001. The convention will be held…
Maple Days Sign-up Now On Our WVMSPA Website
Hello! We are pleased to announce an update to our website that includes a Maple Days tab which will allow us to keep track of all applications and participants of Maple Days. We added a sign-up form, a participants map, and a searchable list page so that customers can find…
Sign up for 2019 Gypsy Moth Suppression Program
Please see this article article from the WV Department of Agriculture. The sign up period is from now until August 31, 2019. Gypsy moths are a non-native invasive species which can affect syrup production. Application forms and brochures are available at the WVDA’s Plant Industries Division website. Landowners may also obtain…
July Newsletter Now Available!
The July WVMSPA newsletter is now available for your reading pleasure. Go to resources->newsletters to see it. If you are a member, it will be coming to your mailbox soon. The newsletter contains highlights from the minutes of our annual meeting, our production report, upcoming maple events (added to our…
A Report on the North American Maple Syrup Council Meeting
By WV Delegate Mike Rechlin October 21-23 – Duluth, MN The North American Maple Syrup Council (NAMSC) and the International Maple Syrup Institute (IMSI) both continue to serve as representatives in matters impacting the maple syrup industry. Although separate entities, they hold their meetings together and work together in promoting…
Fall Events Update!
Maple Digest and Education Grants
We got the following from Winton Pitcoff, editor of Maple Syrup Digest and chair of NAMSC Research Committee: Hello, NAMSC delegates. I’m working on the October issue of the Maple Syrup Digest now. Please send me any articles, calendar items, photos, or other items of interest for inclusion. And remember that the…
Events at Laurel Forks Sapsuckers Sugar Camp Swiftly Approaching!
Please see the flyers below. There will be a 2019 Tree Farm Foundation Tour and Dinner Series on September 13th followed by a Maple Workshop including a maple-grading class on the 14th. There is an optional date of October 8th at Claybrooke Farm in Mineral VA for the Tree Farm…
Old Tech and High Tech
or Tree Hugger vs Syrup Producer by Tina Barton, Webmaster, WVMSPA I have learned a great deal by being part of the West Virginia Maple Syrup Producers Association. I still have a lot to learn, for sure, and I really need to get signed up for some of the training…
2019 Duluth International Maple Syrup Convention
WVMPSA is passing this along from the co-chairs of the convention. To All Maple Syrup Producers, Industry Representatives & Educators: In approximately 75 days Minnesota will host the North American maple industry in Duluth, October 21-24. This will be the first time Minnesota has hosted the “international” since 2001. The convention will be held…
Maple Days Sign-up Now On Our WVMSPA Website
Hello! We are pleased to announce an update to our website that includes a Maple Days tab which will allow us to keep track of all applications and participants of Maple Days. We added a sign-up form, a participants map, and a searchable list page so that customers can find…
Sign up for 2019 Gypsy Moth Suppression Program
Please see this article article from the WV Department of Agriculture. The sign up period is from now until August 31, 2019. Gypsy moths are a non-native invasive species which can affect syrup production. Application forms and brochures are available at the WVDA’s Plant Industries Division website. Landowners may also obtain…
July Newsletter Now Available!
The July WVMSPA newsletter is now available for your reading pleasure. Go to resources->newsletters to see it. If you are a member, it will be coming to your mailbox soon. The newsletter contains highlights from the minutes of our annual meeting, our production report, upcoming maple events (added to our…