
About Us

The West Virginia Maple Syrup Producers Association helps West Virginia farmers connect with each other. Most of our farms focus on maple syrup and related products. However, some are exploring other tree syrups such as sycamore and walnut. Association members help each other with tips about tapping trees, where to get good equipment, and other experiences. Additionally, they share information with farmers who are interested in starting sugar-houses. 

About the Website

The West Virginia Maple Syrup Producers website provides an Event page for syrup-related offerings, such as West Virginia State Maple Days, conferences, etc. For example, in September of 2018, we attended the first Southern Syrup Research Symposium in Summersville West Virginia. Also, we participate in the North America Maple Syrup Council which holds an annual conference. Keep an eye on the Events page for future opportunities such as these.

Furthermore, the website acts as a central hub for training and grant opportunities for syrup producers. Many of these opportunities are provided by our partners at Future Generations University and the West Virginia Department of Agriculture. Additionally, the website contains useful links and some research papers. See our “Resources” menu for such useful links.

Also from our website, you can find maple syrup producers in your area, advertise to sell or trade equipment, and look for opportunities to buy equipment.

How To Connect With Maple Producers

See “Our Farms” page for a map of our member farms in West Virginia or nearby partner-states. There, you can zoom in on a farm in your area to find the contact information, whether you are another farmer looking for help, or a consumer looking for maple products. See the “Classified Ads” to connect with those who want to trade or sell sugaring supplies.

Join Us at Our Annual Meeting

Every spring the West Virginia Maple Syrup Producers Association has our annual meeting in the spring. It will usually be held on the 3rd Saturday of April. There, you can meet us in person, learn about the community, volunteer, and vote for officers. The next meeting will be in April 20, 2024.

Officers of the Association are: 

  • President: Paul Ronk
  • Vice President: Kody Boone
  • Secretary: Cathy Hervey
  • Treasurer: Keith Heasley
  • Board of Director with Terms are Mark Bowers, Tom Salvetti, Cathy Hervey, Mark Kimble, Philip Lee, Rich Flanagan, Britney Hervey-Farris, Kris Marsh

    To contact us, email us at wvmaplesyrupproducers@gmail.com or visit our Facebook Page.

    If you have any questions about this site, please email webmaster@wvmspa.org.

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