On January 28th at 1:00pm there will be a roundtable discussion on Acer Access grants awarded to research institutions in the southern tier of maple producing states. This is an afternoon event with short presentations on all the research projects. This is a 1:00 – 4:00 program, but feel free to join for whatever part of the program you can. To register and get a login to that Zoom session please go to: https://future-edu.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_laIHoGpnQiW2cEeMYdcOVw
Useful Links
- WVMSPA By-Laws, Syrup Handbook, Regulatory Guidelines and Other Useful Links
- Maple In the Classroom
- WV Grown Application
- Daniels Maple Products
- Maple Trader
- The Maple News
- Proctor Maple Research Center
- NAMSC Maple Research
- Walnut Research Paper: Tapping Walnut Trees for Fun or Profit
- ***Coronavirus Guidance***
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