By now, most of you should have received your hard-copy of the newsletter. If you are a new member, it is possible you were not on the list in time. You can see the latest newsletter on the members-only site, by logging in, hovering over the RESOURCES tab and clicking on “Most Recent Newsletter”. The old newsletters are, as always, on the public site under the RESOURCES tab.
If you are a paid member and need help setting up a user name and password on the members-only site, just let me know and I can get you set up. Our hope is to grow the members-only site to give you more perks. For example, if there are instructions for building a piece of maple processing equipment that you only want to share with us members, we can put them out there in the resources list.
If you are a paid member, you should receive an email with a link to this post. If you do not, it probably went to your spam folder. Please go to your spam folder and see if there is something with a subject like “WV Maple Syrup Producers Published a New Post” – you should be able to set it to be “not spam” through your email tool. That is, unless you want it to go to the spam folder! I would like to communicate with you through the website (this way) since our email list is getting a little unwieldy! (I’m going to follow up with a mass email shortly with this text.)
Don’t forget to sign up for the Southern Syrup Research Symposium in September at
The full schedule is in the newest newsletter. Hope to see you there!
Tina Barton, WVMSPA Secretary and Webmaster