After a team effort, the newsletter is ready for viewing under the Resources tab. My job was the formatting. The articles were well-written by others: mostly, Mike Rechlin, but also Rich Flanigan, Jeff DeBellis, and Jesse Reese.
Meanwhile I think most of you are busy with your sugaring operation. I am currently away from mine but my neighbor is cooking a batch for us as I write. He collected 9 1/2 gallons of sap before the big freeze but as things go, he’s just now cooking it.
As I intimated in an earlier blog post, I went to Gilmer County a tad too soon, and got a little whiney about it. I tapped my trees on January 9th. I spent about 8 days waiting for sap to run. But that did mean I might have caught some some sap runs others missed. I produced about 12 8-oz jars from my 30 trees by the 24th. But some of my trees had just begun to kick in. We were affected by this deep freeze, like everyone, and it looks like there will be an extended thaw this next week. But after that the weather looks fairly propitious, if you trust the forecast that far in advance.
I hope everyone has a great season!