Website Updates

There is now a “subscribe” option on the “Contact Us” page, to allow you to receive email updates when a new blog post is added. Alternatively, you may email your email address to and you can be subscribed manually.

There is a recent blog post of the webmaster’s experience at the symposium, and also two blog posts about important opportunities you might be interested in, including REAP, VAPG, Maple Days, Future Generations Training, etc. Please see the Blog column for those details.

We added a Resources tab, with four “child” pages: Research (for documents that can be shared, such as from the symposium), Grants and Assistance (summarizing above-mentioned opportunities), Useful Links, and Newsletters (which was old but has been moved under Resources).

We also added a Classified Ads Tab. To post a classified ad, if you are a WVMSPA member, please email the following:

1. Your name

2. Email address

3. Phone number and where you live

4. What the item is

5. A description of the item

6. How much you want for it in US dollars

7. Up to 4 jpeg image files

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